A pentacle is an amulet used in magical evocation
grimoires of Solomonic magic they are also used in some neopagan magical traditions, such as Wicca, alongside other magical tools.
This form of pentacle is formed upon a disk which may be used either upon an altar or as a sacred space of its own.
The pentacle is representative of the Earth in occult usage.
The legend of the Seal of Solomon was primarily in the medieval who related that the pentacle ring
was engraved by the name of God and was given to the king directly from heaven.
"Solomon", in the Judaism: "Solomon is represented as having authority over spirits, animals, wind, and water,
all of which obeyed his orders by virtue of a magic ring set with the four jewels given him by the angels that had power over these four realms.
It was Solomon's custom to take off the ring when he was about to wash, and to give it to one of his wives,
Amina, to hold. On one occasion, when the ring was in Amina's keeping, the rebellious
spirit Sakhr took on Solomon's form and obtained the ring.
He then seated himself on the throne and ruled for forty days,
during which time the real king wandered about the country, poor and forlorn.
On the fortieth day Sakhr dropped the ring into the sea; there it was swallowed by a fish,
which was caught by a poor fisherman and given to Solomon for his supper.
Solomon cut open the fish, found the ring, and returned to power.
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